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Davis Cup
1 reviews
2 k downloads

Live scores, stats, and exclusive tennis content in one app

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Track every serve, volley, and backhand with the official Davis Cup app, the ultimate companion for the World Cup of Tennis. Stay updated with live, real-time scores and match statistics from every Davis Cup tie directly on your Android device. Experience the thrill of the game with a detailed point-by-point recap, allowing you to follow the match momentum or revisit the action anytime.

Customize your experience by setting up push notifications for your preferred teams and players, ensuring you never miss a crucial match moment. Dive into exclusive content with a rich selection of videos, including highlights, behind-the-scenes footage, captivating features, and insightful interviews. Explore comprehensive player profiles, team pages, and updated draws.

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Keep a close eye on the competition with the latest rankings, and browse through vivid photo galleries capturing the essence of the matches. The app also keeps users informed with current tennis news, keeping you connected to the competition wherever you are. This platform is designed to cater to all tennis aficionados seeking a comprehensive source for their favorite international team competition.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by International Tennis Federation.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about Davis Cup

Package Name itftennis.daviscup
License Free
Op. System Android
Category News/Magazines
Language English
47 more
Author International Tennis Federation
Downloads 1,955
Date Nov 2, 2023
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk Android + 5.0 Nov 23, 2022
apk 5.0.3 Android + 4.4 Nov 23, 2022
apk 5.0.2 Android + 4.4 Nov 23, 2022
apk 4.1.3 Android + 4.4 Nov 23, 2022
apk 4.1.1 Android + 4.4 Nov 23, 2022
apk 4.0.3 Android + 4.4 Nov 23, 2022

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